Remarks, Reports, Clippings & Correspondence
2023-02-06 Rockets & Riots – Army Days (1968-1971) (William J. Bowe, Jr. Looks Back at a Tumultuous Time)
2021-05-02 Hamlin Garland – “Veritist” Writer of the Middle Borders by Laura Ferri (Introduction by William J. Bowe, Jr.)
2019-10-12 Eulogy of Richard Gwinn Bowe by his brother, William John Bowe, Jr.
2014-05-09 A Nickel Tour of Encyclopaedia Britannica’s History in a Chicago Landmark (with William John Bowe, Jr.)
2012-09-12 Transmittal of Julia and Gus to the Poetry Foundation by William John Bowe, Jr.
2011 Preface to Julia & Gus, by William John Bowe, Jr.
2011-2020 Joseph Hart Correspondence with William Bowe, Jr. (Canavan Genealogy)
1989 Report of the International Piracy Project (WJB Participant) – Annenberg Foundation Program, Northwestern University
1983 William J. Bowe, Jr.’s Editor’s Note to Jacques Riboud’s The Horse War
1980 Letter from William John Bowe, Jr. to James Hart, DePaul College of Commerce Dean
1980-06-22 CLP-DOC Press Coverage of Brouhaha over WJB Leak of Mayor Byrne Transition Report (Tribune-Sun Times-NY Times-Lerner-Reader)
1980-06-27 CLP-DOC Article Noting WJB Role in Front Page Chicago Tribune Article on Byrne Transition Report (Chicago Reader)
1980-06-28 CLP-DOC WJB Picture in Article on His Role in Tribune Jane Byrne Transition Report Leak (Near North News)
1985-11-25 CLP-DOC WJB Quoted on UPI Reorganization (Time Magazine)
2022-01-10 SP WJB Remarks at the 115th Annual Meeting of The Cliff Dwellers (PowerPoint)
2022-01-09 SP WJB Remarks at the 115th Annual Members’ Meeting of The Cliff Dwellers
2021-09-25 SP WJB Remarks at Canavan Reunion – How We Are Related Program PowerPoint
2021-08-16 SP WJB Remarks at Canavan Family Reunion Dinner Program
2021-01-12 SP WJB Transcript of Interview with Anthony Canavan Bowe Regarding Augustine and Julia Bowe
2021-01-11 SP WJB Remarks at the 114th Annual Meeting of Members of The Cliff Dwellers
2021 05-17 SP WJB Remarks on Don Santelli, Augustine J. Bowe and New Bookcase)
2020-11-28 SP WJB Remarks to the Extended Family on the Launch of The Families Vol. 2 Website at
2019-10-12 SP WJB Remarks at The Cliff Dwellers Memorial Lunch for His Brother Richard Gwinn Bowe
2019-04-30 SP WJB Remarks on Encyclopaedia Britannica’s 100-Year Association with Chicago
2019-01-07 SP WJB Remarks at the 112th Annual Meeting of The Cliff Dwellers
2018-09-12 SP WJB Remarks Introducing Ed Gordon at The Cliff Dwellers
2016-07-01 SP WJB Remarks Quoted as MC of 20th Anniversary Move (The Cliff Dwellers News Letter)
2016-05-13 SP WJB Remarks at the 20th Anniversary of The Cliff Dwellers Move from Orchestra Hall (Symphony Center)
2016-05-01 SP WJB Remarks for The Cliff Dwellers Newsletter Interview
2015-09-30 SP WJB Remarks Noted in Program for the Celebration in Honor of Sculptor Richard Hunt’s 80th Birthday
2015-09-30 SP WJB Remarks at the Birthday Celebration of Sculptor Richard Hunt
2012-05-05 SP WJB Remarks at the Class of 1967 45th Reunion (The Racquet Club)
2011-06-29 SP WJB Remarks at Lincoln Celebration Honoring Roger Ebert (The Cliff Dwellers)
2010-05-25 SP WJB Remarks at Copyright Fair Use Seminar (Law Bulletin Seminars)
2010-04-28 SP WJB Remarks on Nomination of Beth Fulkerson to the Lawyers Club of Chicago
2006-01-19 SP WJB Remarks on The Britannica Software Patent
2003-09-17 SP WJB Remarks on Copyright Basics (Chicago Bar Assn – Chicago, IL)
2003-06-13 SP WJB Remarks on Knowledge Management (Corporate Legal Times Super Conference)
2002-05-02 SP WJB Remarks at the 35th Law School Reunion of the Class of 1967 at The Racquet Club
2002-01-25 SP WJB Remarks on Stopping Piracy (American Intellectual Property Law Association – Phoenix, AZ)
2001-02-26 SP WJB Remarks on EB President Giora Romm Leaving and Follow Up Exchange (EB)
1999-05-04 SP WJB Remarks at the 70th Birthday of Former EB President Peter Norton (Carlton Club, Ritz Carlton Hotel)
1997-05-10 SP WJB Remarks at the Class of 1967 30th Law School Reunion Program (Fortnightly Club)
1996-05-09 SP WJB Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition (La Jolla, CA)
1995-04-25 SP WJB Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition (Orlando, FL)
1994-06-12 SP WJB Remarks at Ralph Heineman Memorial Service
1992-05-02 SP-HUM WJB Remarks at the Class of 1967 25th Law School Reunion
1979-04-16 SP WJB Remarks at the Clarence Darrow Community Center Awards (Preston Bradley Hall, Chicago, IL)
1979-03-13 SP WJB Remarks at Clarence Darrow Memorial Service at Jackson Park (Chicago, IL)
1976-12-20 SP WJB Remarks on Death of Richard J Daley Written for William S Singer
1976-12-03 SP WJB Remarks on Elections Written for Mayoral Campaign of William S Singer (Sun Times)
1976-08-03 SP WJB Remarks before Ilinois Department of Local Govenment Affairs on Proposed Tax
1973-09-10 SP WJB Statement of Metropolitan Housing and Planning Council (Chicago Daily News Article)
1973-04-10 SP WJB Remarks on Military Surveillance before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee
1973-05-03 SP WJB Remarks on Lake Michigan Bill of Rights before Illinois House of Representatives Committee
1970-12-29 SP-HUM- WJB Remarks as Best Man at Marriage of Larry DuBois
1963-05-16 RPT Critique of Marina City (Yale History of Art Class)
1964-10-09 RPT WJB 1st Year Law School Notes on Stare Decisis et al.
1965-08-26 RPT Chicago Residences of Brothers Augustine Joseph Bowe and William John Bowe (List by Augustine and/or Julia Bowe)
1966-03-29 RPT Efficacy of Non-Statutory Solutions to Pollution in Southern Lake Michigan
1966-11-01 RPT ART The Model Lease (WJB Paper for U of C Law School Conference-Daily News-Tribune Articles)
1966-11-17 ART WJB Quoted in Model Lease Article (Chicago Daily News)
1967-11-17 RPT 13th Annual Poetry Day Program (Julia and William Bowe, Jr.)
1967-12-31 RPT AF of L Union 1940 Bartenders Drink Mixing Guide (Used as Late as 1967)
1968-04-08 RPT Security Clearance Paperwork
1968-05-13 RPT Bill Bowe in the US Army after Law School (with Pictures)
1968-06-15 RPT How to Open Locks without Keys or Picks (Locksmith Ledger)
1968-06-15 RPT Welcome to Fort Holabird in Baltimore Maryland
1968-08-05 RPT WJB Biography for US Army Intelligence School
1968-08-21 RPT-HUM WJB Skit Script Re Nixon and Others
1968-09-05 RPT Richard Bowe Human Relations Report on Lincoln and Grant Park Demonstrations
1968-09-06 COR WJB Exchange with Colonel Minor K Wilson former U.S. Army Director of Counterintelligence
1968-10-01 RPT-ART Regional Planning Versus Decentralized Land Use Controls (DePaul Law Review)
1968-10-01 (Reprint) Regional Planning Versus Decentralized Land Use Controls (DePaul Law Review)
1968-10-03 RPT Department of Defense Form 398 WJB – Personal History for Security Clearance
1968-11-08 RPT US Army Intelligence School Graduation Program (USAINTS)
1968-11-08 RPT WJB and Assignment from Intelligence School
1968-12-01 RPT WJB Residence at Americana Fairfax Apt Complex 4415 Briarwood CT Annandale VA
1968-12-13 RPT Invitation to 902nd Military Intelligence Group Fort McNair Christmas Party
1968-12-24 RPT Org Chart of the Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
1968-12-31 ART-HUM The Great ConSPIROcy Law School Directory (Nixon-Agnew Humor on AP Photos)
1969-01-16 RPT-COR WJB Direct Commission MI Army Officer Training Course Options
1969-01-18 RPT Army Ops Center CI Analyst Assignment for Nixon Inauguration Protest Demonstrations
1969-01-23 RPT MFR 4-Year Service Committment if WJB Accepts Direct Commission as Officer
1969-04-28 RPT Appointment of WJB to 2nd Lieutenant Commission and CIAD Response
1969-05-01 RPT WJB Memo to Commanding General US 1st Army Declining Officer Commission in MI
1969-05-08 ART Liberation News Service Article on Army Spying
1969-06-09 RPT Arlington VA Blue Goose Building CIA International Communism Course Outline
1969-06-23 RPT-HUM WJB Script Re Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on ABM
1969-08-05 COR WJB Letter of Appreciation on National Security Study Memorandum 67 Input for President Nixon Tasking
1969-08-12 RPT-ITN Travel to NSA-Huntsville-NORAD-Kwajalein-Critical Nuclear Weapons Info Clearance
1969-12-16 RPT WJB Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Access Certificate
1969-08-12 RPT-ITN WJB Map for Trip to NORAD Briefing in Cheyenne Mountain Colorado
1969-08-13 RPT WJB Trip – Kwajalein Missile Range Entry Authorization Procedure
1969-08-27 RPT-ITN WJB Trip to Kwajalein Missile Range Map
1969-10-29 RPT NORAD Briefing for WJB on Cheyenne Mountain Mission and History
1969-11-19 RPT COR Letter of Appreciation to WJB Re Army Ops Center Briefings on Anti-War Demonstrations in DC
1969-11-21 RPT-HUM Counter-Intelligence Analysis Branch JAMIT Award Script
1969-12-03 RPT Army Chief of Staff William Westmoreland Memo to Officers after My Li Massacre
1969-12-12 RPT-HUM WJB JAMIT Award Presentation for Counterintelligence Analysis Division Skit
1969-12-31 RPT WJB Certificate of Achievement from Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence – Department of the Army
1970-07-01 RPT Army Analysis of 2nd Christopher Pyle Article on Surveillance
1970-08-19 RPT-COR Letter of for Civil Disturbance Study to WJB Re General Dewitt Clinton Armstrong III and DCDPO
1970-09-11 RPT WJB Superior Performance Army Pay Memo
1970-10-16 RPT-COR Complimentary Note from Dep ACSI Brigadier General DeWitt Clinton Armstrong III and Memo Re WJB Civil Disturbance Estimate
1970-10-29 RPT US Army Military Arrest Powers Thesis
1970-12-01 RPT Mary Gwinn Bowe: History of the Latin School Parents Council
1971-02-11 RPT-HUM Humorous Takeoff of WJB Army Service (WJB Author)
1971-03-01 RPT-COR Letter of Commendation to WJB Re OACSI Special Task Force Responding to Congressional Queries
1971-03-15 RPT WJB Update of 1971-1975 Civil Disturbance Threat
1971-03-18 RPT Various WJB Army Discharge Papers
1971-04-15 RPT-COR Letter of Appreciation to WJB from Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence General J. A. McChristian
1971-04-15 RPT-HUM Skit with WJB Notes Re Colonel John Downie and Imaginary Senate Hearing
1971-05-12 RPT Meritorious Service Award of Secretary of the Army (Citation and supporting document for medal awarded for outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service to the United States)
1971-05-12 RPT WJB Certificate of Appreciation from President Richard Nixon
1971-06-01 SP WJB Domestic Intelligence Community Analysis and World War I Antecedents Chapter
1974-04-10 RPT The Civil Disturbance Threat (Exhibit to Testimony of WJB before the U.S. Senate, Committee on the Judiciary)
1976-08-01 RPT The Privacy Act of 1974 (Journal of Taxation)
1977-02-01 RPT Mary Gwinn Bowe History of the Latin School
1987-04-01 RPT WJB Membership Certificate American Society of Corporate Secretaries
1988-09-21 RPT WJB Williamson Co, TN Notary Public Certificate
1988-11-01 RPT WJB United Way Citation of Achievement
1989-03-29 RPT-COR Wuhan China Life and Tiananmen Square Civil Unrest (David Lynch Report in Family Correspondence)
1989-05-01 RPT Reflections on Yale, the Army, and Later Life (WJB 25th Reunio Cancel n Yale University Essay)
1998-06-09 RPT WJB and AMB Pass FCC Ham Radio Tests (North Shore Radio Club Transmitter)
2010-12-02 RPT Reflections on Life as a Lawyer (University of Chicago Alumni Directory)
1949-07-01 CLP Terry Randolph and Willie Bowe Compete in Horse Show (Chicago Sun-Times)
1965-08-02 CLP Judge Augustine J Bowe and Julia Welcome South Vietnam Jurist (Chicago Daily News-Picture)
1965-08-02 CLP Lybinh Hue-South Vietnam Supreme Court Judge VIsits Chicago
1965-04-09 CLP Judge Augustine J Bowe Votes to Retain Judge Leighton (Chicago Tribune)
1966-02-01 CLP Abolish Garnishment Laws (Chicago Sun Times Article Quoting Judge Augustine J. Bowe)
1965-10-04 CLP Six Women Judges (Chicago Daily News-Augustine J Bowe Quoted)
1966-02-07 CLP City Mourns Death of Judge Bowe 73 (Chicago Daily News-Julia and John Edward Bowe Picture)
1966-02-07 CLP Editorial on Augustine J. Bowe Death (Len OConnor-Channel 5)
1966-02-07 CLP Judge Bowe Dies at 73 (Chicago Tribune Front Page Article)
1966-02-08 CLP Augustine J. Bowe Death and Successors (Chicago s American-Daily News-Tribune)
1966-02-08 CLP Editorial on Augustine J. Bowe Death (Chicago Daily News)
1966-02-08 CLP Editorial on Augustine J. Bowe Death (Chicago Sun TImes)
1966-02-08 CLP Editorial on Augustine J. Bowe Death (Chicago s American)
1966-02-08 CLP Funeral Notices for AJ Bowe (Sun Times-Tribune-American-North Loop News)
1966-02-09 CLP Augustine J. Bowe – A Judge Who Spoke His Mind (Mike Royko-Chicago Daily News)
1966-02-09 CLP Augustine J. Bowe Obituary (New York Times)
1966-02-21 CLP Augustine J. Bowe Successors-Credit Beat (Chicago s American-Daily News-Sun Times)
1966-03-03 CLP Chicago City Council Tribute to Augustine J. Bowe
1966-03-18 RPT-CLP Augustine J. Bowe Funeral Acknowledgment Card
1966-05-14 CLP Article on Student Sit In at the U of C (New York Times)
1966-05-14 CLP Article on Student Sit In at the U of C (Sun Times Quoting WJB)
1966-05-14 CLP Article on Student Sit In at the U of C (Chicago Daily News)
1966-08-23 CLP Judge Bowe Like Lazarus Returns from the Dead (Chicago Daily News)
1966-09-08 CLP WJB Letter to Editor on Pollution (Chicago Tribune)
1966-10-16 CLP U.S. Federal Defender Plan (Sun Times-WJB Photo in Upper Right)
1966-11-01 CLP The Model Lease (WJB Paper for U of C Law School Conference-Daily News-Tribune Articles)
1966-11-17 CLP Tenant Union Article (Chicago Daily News Quoting WJB on Model Lease Paper)
1966-11-17 CLP WJB Quoted in Model Lease Article (Chicago Tribune)
1966-08-16 CLP Charles J Kegel Due Home from Vietnam (Chicago Tribune)
1966-12-26 CLP WJB Usher at Wedding (Chicago Sun Times)
1967-05-21 CLP Augustine Bowe Poet (John Nims-Chicago Tribune Magazine)
1968-04-01 CLP WJB Headline for Zoning Case (Cover Zoning Digest)
1968-09-08 CLP Democratic Convention Demonstration Report (Chicago Daily News Whitepaper)
1969-04-01 CLP Latin School Class of 1960 Note
1969-05-14 CLP Tiny Tim Visits 1120 Lake Shore Drive (Chicago Sun-Times)
1969-06-01 CLP Latin School Alumni News Noting WJB Army Service
1970-01-01 CLP Christopher Pyle Allegations in Washington Monthly
1970-02-01 CLP The Big Giveaway is About to Begin (MacArthur Foundation-Chicago Lawyer)
1970-02-24 CLP Consideration of CONUS Intelligence Christopher Pyle Allegations in Washington Monthly)
1970-03-01 CLP CONUS Intelligence (The Pyle Article)
1970-04-01 CLP Latin School Class of 1960 Alumni Notes
1970-05-05 CLP Kent State Killings and Law Student Strike (U of C Maroon)
1971-04-01 CLP Latin School Alumni News
1971-10-03 CLP Walpole Point Development Article (Chicago Tribune)
1972-10-11 CLP WJB and Judy Arndt in Picture with Bill and Connie Singer at McGovern Dinner (Chicago Tribune)
1973-01-20 CLP Gov Dan Walker Names Fred Mauck of Roan and Grossman as Director of Insurance (Chicago Tribune-Sun Times-Daily News)
1973-01-24 CLP Front Page Chicago Sun Times – Peace in Vietnam
1973-03-23 CLP William Singer Considers Mayroal Race v Richard J Daley (Chicago Sun Times)
1973-04-08 Col. W. J. Mitchell to WJB attaching Washington Post Clipping
1973-04-29 CLP William Singer Considering Mayoral Race in Chicago (Rick Soll-Chicago Tribune)
1973-06-10 CLP WJB Quoted in Article on Computer Use in Army Surveillance (Chicago Sun Times)
1973-10-15 CLP William Singer Announcement of Mayoral Campaign v Richard J Daley (Sun Times)
1973-11-26 CLP Article on Possible Bill Singer 1975 Mayoral Race v Richard J Daley (Chicago Today)
1974-02-21 CLP John E Bowe Nominated as Candidate for Associate Circuit Court Judge (Chicago Tribune)
1974-05-23 CLP Glessner House Articles (Chicago Tribune-Chicago Sun Times)
1974-06-01 CLP Yale Classmate Douglass and Julie Lea Waterford Virginia Article
1974-06-06 CLP Mary Baim Profile (Chicago Sun-Times)
1974-06-29 CLP WJB-Judy Arndt Marriage Announcements (Rock Is Argus-Moline Daily Dispatch-Davenport Times Democrat)
1974-07-18 CLP Judy Arndt Quoted in Advantage Female Tennis Pros Article (Chicago Today)
1974-12-01 CLP WJB 43rd Ward Democratic Committeeman Campaign Photograph
1975-12-27 CLP WJB Article The CIA FBI-How Long a Leash (Chicago Tribune)
1976-02-01 CLP Career End of Rick Soll-Chicago Tribune Columnist (Chicago Life)
1976-12-04 CLP WJB Article — Cuba – The Past is Still Present (Chicago Tribune)
1977-05-08 CLP Judy Arndt Bowe and Connie Arndt Singer Article (Rock Island, IL Argus)
1979-04-01 CLP Roan and Grossman Announcement of WJB Becoming Of Counsel
1979-12-01 CLP Rick Soll Quoted on Failure of Chicagoland Magazine (Chicago Reader)
1980-04-01 CLP Law School Record Notation of WJB and Bradford
1980-05-27 CLP Eleanor Randolph Tribune and LA and NY Times Reporter on Winning Clapper Award
1980-06-01 CLP WJB Article on 1st National Bank Leadership Change (Chicago, Lawyer)
1981-02-11 CLP Rob Warden Peter Lisagor Award Nomination for WJB Abboud Article in Chicago Lawyer
1980-06-01 CLP Whodunit to Abboud (Chicago Lawyer)
1981-02-11 CLP Rob Warden Letter Re Peter Lisagor Award Nomination for WJB Abboud Article in Chicago Lawyer
1980-06-21 CLP-COR Rob Warden Editor Chicago Council of Lawyers Re Tribune Leak of Byrne Transition Report
1980-06-22 CLP-DOC Press Coverage of Brouhaha over WJB Leak of Mayor Byrne Transition Report (Tribune-Sun Times-NY Times-Lerner-Reader)
1980-06-28 CLP-DOC WJB Picture in Article on His Role in Tribune Jane Byrne Transition Report Leak (Near North News)
1980-07-01 CLP WJB Noted in Why Mayor Jane Byrne Banned Chicago Tribune from City Hall (by Ron Dorfman-Chicago Lawyer)
1980-12-22 CLP Basil Talbot Article on Nancy Reagan Latin 1939
1982-07-01 CLP Editorial on Jane Byrne Flakiness on WJB Tribune Transition Report Article (Chicago Lawyer)
1984-01-01 CLP The Roan and Grossman War (by Rob Warden-Chicago Reader)
1984-01-18 CLP Rod MacArthur Lawsuit against MacArthur Foundation (Various Publications)
1984-03-20 CLP Rich Tinberg Profiled in Hammacher Schlemmer – Bradford Article (Chicago Tribune)
1984-10-02 RPT WJB Williamson Co, TN Notary Public Certificate (Gov Lamar Alexander)
1984-11-08 CLP WJB Cited in Basil Talbot Article on 43rd Ward Politics (Chicago Sun Times)
1985-02-07 CLP WJB ACSI Chief Testifies in Gen Westmoreland Libel Trial (Tennesseean)
1985-03-09 CLP Linda Thoren – Phil Neal Marriage Invitation (UPI GC and U of C Law School Dean)
1985-03-25 CLP WJB Cousin Frank Lynch Sends WJB Clip of Judy Arndt Marriage to Mike Royko
1985-03-31 CLP Post Mayorial Election Critique of William Singer (by Paul Galloway – Chicago Tribune)
1985-08-01 CLP WJB Elected to Fintext Board of Directors in UPI Dispute with Former Owners (USA Today)
1985-08-17 CLP WJB Elected to Fintext Board of Directors in UPI Dispute with Former Owners (The Tennessean)
1985-09-01 CLP UPI Disaster Story (Columbia Journalism Review)
1985-11-25 CLP-DOC WJB Quoted on UPI Reorganization (Time Magazine)
1986-01-22 CLP WJB Knight of the First Order (EBUSA First Sale Award)
1986-03-21 CLP Announcment of WJB as General Counsel of Encyclopaedia Britannica (Publishers Weekly)
1988-04-21 CLP Appellate Court Judge John Stamos Chosen for Illinois Supreme Court (Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times)
1988-08-01 CLP Profile of Former Bradford Exchange CEO Kevin McEneely (Direct Marketing)
1989-05-27 CLP Wm Singer with Agenda for Change Report on Public Schools Urges Reforms (Chicago Tribune Article)
1989-10-13 CLP Settlement of Lawsuit into Secret FBI Investigation of National Lawyers Guild (NY Times Article)
1989-10-22 CLP Bowe Brothers Threaten Mayhem (Bill Bowe Article in the Fake Northbrook News)
1989-12-01 CLP Bill Singer Make-Over (Chicago Magazine Article)
1990-07-22 CLP Anti-Castro Airline Bomber Who Nearly Killed WJB Released (NY Times)
1990-10-02 CLP William T. Kirby MacArthur Foundation Head Obituary (Chicago Tribune)
1990-11-01 CLP George Covington Parental Estate Sale (Pioneer Press)
1991-03-27 CLP Gov. Edgar Names Jan Grayson to Cabinet (Sun-Times, Springfield Journal-Register)
1991-03-30 CLP Jacques Riboud-A Stable External Currency for Europe Ad (Economist)
1991-08-26 CLP UPI Bankruptcy Filing Articles (NY Times)
1991-11-16 CLP Jacques Riboud Death Notice (International Herald Tribune)
1991-12-08 CLP MacArthur Foundation Finances (Chicago Tribune)
1992-07-01 CLP Pam Zekman Super Sleuth (Chicago Life)
1992-09-21 CLP Harpers Magazine and John MacArthur (NY Times)
1992-12-07 CLP Bradford Exchange Building Article (Chicago Sun Times)
1993-01-01 CLP Escape from Mogadishu by Kit Swenson (University of Viginia Alumni News)
1993-07-01 CLP WJB Pictures 225th EB Anniversary Edition (Know Magazine)
1993-10-14 CLP Promotion to Executive Vice President (Pioneer Press)
1993-10-01 CLP Promotion to Executive Vice President (EB Times)
1993-10-11 CLP Promotion to Executive VIce President (Chicago Tribune)
1993-10-18 CLP Promotion to Executive Vice President (Crains Chicago Business)
1994-02-06 CLP First Woman to Head ABA – Profile of Roberta Ramo and WJB Letter (U of C Law School Record – NY Times – Chicago Tribune)
1994-07-01 CLP General Counsel Roundtable (WJB Quoted – Corporate Legal Times)
1994-10-01 CLP WJB Promotions at EB and IACC (Yale Alumni Magazine)
1995-09-15 CLP Rick Kogan Article on Closing of Riccardos Bar and Restaurant (Chicago Tribune)
1995-11-16 CLP MacArthur Justice Center Article with David Bradford (Chicago Daily Law Bulletin)
1995-12-01 CLP WJB Interview – Encyclopaedia Britannica – Online and Ready for Business (Corporate Legal Times)
1996-01-17 CLP Hillary Clinton Lays Out Her Defense (NY Times)
1996-02-19 CLP Howard Ecker Profile (Crains Chicago Business)
1997-04-01 CLP Law Department Return on Investment (WJB Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
1999-01-01 CLP Law Department Leaders are Taking Initiative (WJB Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
1999-01-01 CLP RPT WJB Who’s Who in America Biographical Entry (Marquis Publishing)
1999-01-31 CLP Cuba Draws the Curious (NY Times)
1999-02-01 CLP Managing Outside Litigation Counsel (WJB Article – ABA Section of Litigation Periodical)
1999-04-01 CLP WJB Interview (Illinois Legal Times)
1999-04-04 CLP Eugne O”Neil Play and L.A. Times Bomber Matthew Schmidt Reference
1999-06-01 CLP U.S. News and World Report Quoted on GBN (Glenbrook North High School Newsletter)
1999-11-29 CLP Internet Tax Freedom Act (WJB Practitioner Comment – CCH Tax Reporter)
1999-12-01 CLP Technology is the Santa Claus of the 1990s (WJB Print Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
1999-12-01 CLP WJB Picture at Signing of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Software Publishers Assn Magazine)
1999-12-05 CLP Rick Kogan Article on Gold Coast History (Chicago Tribune Magazine)
2000-01-01 CLP Britannica Adapts to a Digital Future (WJB Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
2000-01-01 CLP Britannica Adapts to a Digital Future (WJB Print Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
2000-12-15 CLP Tough Year for Outside Law Firms (WJB Quoted – Chicago Daily Law Bulletin)
2002-02-14 CLP Ballistic Missile Defense Analysis (NY Review of Books)
2003-04-01 CLP Role of the General Counsel (WJB Interview – Corporate Legal Times)
2003-10-01 CLP In-House Counsel Gets Caught in Crossfire (WJB Quoted – Corporate Legal Times)
2004-01-11 CLP WJB Interview (National Law Review)
2004-02-02 CLP William J Bowe – Venerable Tomes Go Digital (In-House Counsel)
2004-02-04 CLP The National Law Journal (Profile – William J Bowe – Encyclopaedia Britannica Goes Digital)
2005-03-31 CLP Britannica Headed for Old Traffic Court Building (Aerial Rendering of Renovated Building)
2005-03-31 CLP Britannica Headed for Old Traffic Court Building (WJB Interview – Chicago Tribune)
2007-08-01 CLP WJB on Board of Managers (IPLAC Newsletter)
2007-11-25 CLP Cliff Dwellers Maintain 100-Year-Old Love for Arts (Legal Size – WJB Interview – Chicago Tribune)
2007-11-25 CLP Cliff Dwellers Maintain 100-Year-Old Love for Arts (Online – WJB Interview – Chicago Tribune)
2009-12-13 CLP WJB Quoted in Robert Gwinn Obituary (Chicago Tribune)
2010-01-01 CLP WJB EB Propaedia Page of Last Printed Edition Signed by Jaqui Safra and Jorge Cauz
2010-06-17 CLP Tailor Made to Be General Counsel (WJB Online Profile – Chicago Daily Law Bulletin)
2010-06-17 CLP Tailor Made to Be General Counsel (WJB Paper Profile – Chicago Daily Law Bulletin)
2010-06-17 CLP WJB Profile – Tailor Made to Be General Counsel (Chicago Daily Law Bulletin)
2014-08-05 CLP New EB General Counsel and WJB Retirement Article (Corporate Counsel)
2014-08-05 CLP Cliff Dwellers Web Site Announcement of William J Bowe Retirement Lunch
2014-09-01 CLP WJB Retirement Lunch at The Cliff Dwellers Article (Off the Cliff Club Newsletter)
2014-10-09 CLP EB General Counsel Courtroom Ready (Chicago Law Bulletin Article Quoting WJB)
2016-05-01 CLP The Cliff Dwellers Newsletter with WJB Interview
2017-01-09 CLP The Cliff Dwellers Newsletter with WJB and Pat Bowe Pictures
2017-10-01 CLP University of Chicago Law School Notes (Reference to WJB and Andy Bowe)
2019-06-25 CLP University of Chicago Law School Notes (Reference to WJB)
2019-10-01 CLP University of Chicago Law School Notes (Reference to Pandemic by WJB)
2021-01-02 RPT Northfield Township Democrats House Party Event Invite
Army, Family, Friends, Lawyering, and Politics
1964-02-21 COR Jonathan (Terry) Randolph from 2B at 1120 Lake Shore Drive
1964-06-12 Yale Senior Prom Acceptance from Carol Teuscher
1964-08-10 COR L. Arthur Cushman Postcard from Dar Es Salaam to WJB
1965-10-25 COR WJB to City of Chicago Corporation Counsel
1966-01-02 COR Alderman Leon Depres Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-01-04 COR Arthur Conrad Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-01-17 COR Ed Austin (Sidley and Austin) Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-04-27 COR Hon. Abner K. Mikva (IL State Representative) to WJB
1966-06-15 COR Ross Hardies Law Firm Memo Announcing WJ Bowe Employment for the Summer
1966-12-08 COR IL Treasurer Adlai Stevenson to WJB
1967-01-06 COR Ross Hardies Permanent Employment Offer to WJB
1967-11-20 COR WJB Admission to IL Bar Matters
1968-03-16 COR DePaul Law Review Zoning Article and US District Court Admission
1968-03-19 ed seq. Nick Fee U of C Law School Dean of Students
1968-09-06 COR WJB Exchange with Colonel Minor K Wilson former U.S. Army Director of Counterintelligence
1968-10-21 et seq. COR Ross Hardies Correspondence (Ed Mendez, Mel Hardies, Bill Warnock)
1968-10-23 COR WJB, Mary, Richard and Julia Bowe Correspondence
1968-10-25 COR Ginsberg Parker Cushman Covington Nichols Heyworth Heineman Correspondence
1969-02-01 COR Ant Family Harvest by WJB and MGB Letter on WTTW Letterhead
1969-06-23-COR Birthday Greetings Letter to WJB from Counterintelligence Analysis Branch Chief
1969-08-05 COR WJB to Michael Sherwood (Yale Classmate) on Kwajalein Stopover in Hawaii
1969-08-19 COR Kwajalein Missel Range Postcard from WJB
1969-12-03 WJB to Nancy Gwinn Riboud on Paris Visit
Army, Family, Friends, Lawyering, and Politics
1970-10-29 RPT US Army Military Arrest Powers Thesis (Ft. Levenworth)
1974-04-09 RPT-COR Background Correspondence Relating to WJB Testimony before US Senate Judiciary Committee
Family, Friends, Lawyering, and Politics
1989-03-29 RPT-COR Wuhan China Life and Tiananmen Square Civil Unrest (David Lynch Report in Family Correspondence)
Family, Friends and Lawyering
1989-03-29 RPT-COR Wuhan China Life and Tiananmen Square Civil Unrest (David Lynch Report in Family Correspondence)
Family, Friends, Lawyering, and Retirement
1964-02-21 COR Jonathan (Terry) Randolph from 2B at 1120 Lake Shore Drive
1964-06-12 Yale Senior Prom Acceptance from Carol Teuscher
1964-08-10 COR L. Arthur Cushman Postcard from Dar Es Salaam to WJB
1965-10-25 COR WJB to City of Chicago Corporation Counsel
1966-01-02 COR Alderman Leon Depres Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-01-04 COR Arthur Conrad Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-01-17 COR Ed Austin (Sidley and Austin) Condolence Letter to Augustine J. Bowe on Death of William John Bowe, Sr.
1966-04-27 COR Hon. Abner K. Mikva (IL State Representative) to WJB
1966-06-15 COR Ross Hardies Law Firm Memo Announcing WJ Bowe Employment for the Summer
1966-12-08 COR IL Treasurer Adlai Stevenson to WJB
1967-01-06 COR Ross Hardies Permanent Employment Offer to WJB
1967-11-20 COR WJB Admission to IL Bar Matters
1968-03-16 COR DePaul Law Review Zoning Article and US District Court Admission
1968-03-19 ed seq. Nick Fee U of C Law School Dean of Students
1968-09-06 COR WJB Exchange with Colonel Minor K Wilson former U.S. Army Director of Counterintelligence
1968-10-21 et seq. COR Ross Hardies Correspondence (Ed Mendez, Mel Hardies, Bill Warnock)
1968-10-23 COR WJB, Mary, Richard and Julia Bowe Correspondence
1968-10-25 COR Ginsberg Parker Cushman Covington Nichols Heyworth Heineman Correspondence
1969-02-01 COR Ant Family Harvest by WJB and MGB Letter on WTTW Letterhead
1969-06-23-COR Birthday Greetings Letter to WJB from Counterintelligence Analysis Branch Chief
1969-08-05 COR WJB to Michael Sherwood (Yale Classmate) on Kwajalein Stopover in Hawaii
1969-08-19 COR Kwajalein Missel Range Postcard from WJB
1969-12-03 WJB to Nancy Gwinn Riboud on Paris Visit
1974-04-09 RPT-COR Background Correspondence Relating to WJB Testimony before US Senate Judiciary Committee
1989-03-29 RPT-COR Wuhan China Life and Tiananmen Square Civil Unrest (David Lynch Report in Family Correspondence)

Unity Building in 1964 is visible behind the girders of the New Civic Center then being constructed.

The Civic Center, now named Daley Center, was completed in 1965. The next year, when Gus Bowe died, it for the first time had its exterior draped in purple mourning cloth. Across the street at the still standing Unity Building, the first floor restaurant Mayors Row put up its own memorial to his passing on its Dearborn Street marquee.
Gus and Bill’s routine parental division of labor left my mother (Mary Gwinn Bowe) and Gus’s wife (Julia Lecour Bowe) with the primary task of caring for their young children. I had been conceived before Pearl Harbor in 1941, and born the next June after the U.S. mobilization for World War II had begun in earnest. With so many men off to war after I was born, there was a labor shortage. For the first time, many factory and other jobs opened for women. My mother and her former Trinity College roommate and sister-in-law, Julia Bowe, did their part in helping the War effort by going to work as Gray Lady assistants at nearby Passavant Hospital where I had been born. The hospital didn’t survive in the intervening years, but its site later became part of Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s enormous Streeterville campus. As this first picture shows, helping the War effort also was surely on my mother’s mind in 1945 when she dressed me up in a sailor’s outfit for an end-of-war feel good story in the Chicago Sun newspaper.
As I grew up later in the 1940s, my best friend was my neighbor of the same age, Terry Randolph. Terry was the oldest of three young boys being raised in the apartment two floors below me. Our mothers had in common both the means and desire to give us a what they considered a broad schooling in life skills. One such life skill was swimming and another was horseback riding. My father had first learned to ride horses on summer vacation visits to the farm of his maternal grandparents, Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes Canavan. He also rode horses later when he was stationed at the Illinois National Guard at Camp Rockford both before and after his service in France in World War I. When I was older he told me he used ride horses from one of the stables near Lincoln Park. He’d ride south on the lakefront bridle path from the zoo all the way to Oak Street Beach. You can see the bridle path he was talking about in these vintage picture of Oak Street beach taken around 1938 during the Outer Drive’s early days. Although I remember the bridle path along Oak Street Beach as a boy, the ever increasing width of the Outer Drive over time eliminated this relic of the pre-automobile era. So, it was no doubt with my father’s encouragement that both my brother Dick and I got horseback riding lessons. Before heading to Lincoln Park bridle paths on our horses, we practiced in the ring at a small stable on the southwest corner of Cleveland Street and Grant Place. When 1949 rolled around, my mother and Terry’s entered us in an annual horse show sponsored by the Sun-Times newspaper, the Chicago Park District and the Lincoln Park Riding Association. My dispute with Terry over which of us would ride our favorite horse Ginger made the news and was used to promoted the event.
The issue arose when Willie Bowe, 1120 Lake Shore Dr., and Terry Randolph of the same address, both asked for Ginger as their mount for the children’s horsemanship class in the Lincoln Park Horse Show. The lads, both 7, wanted to enter the big, city-wide event sponsored by The SUN-TIMES, the Chicago Park District and the Lincoln Park Riding Association. Both boys were eligible for the same class and each wanted to ride the chestnut horse. The boys flip a coin, but they decided neither wanted to compete against the other while riding the favored Ginger. So, together, they told their elders their decision: “Give Ginger to somebody else,” they said. “We’ll each ride some other horse.” Horse Inspires Gallantry (1949, Chicago Sun-Times).
As was also true with me over the years, my mother saved any snippets mentioning a family member, however obscure. In addition, and this became true with me later as well, she was also an inveterate collector of any other clippings that happened to briefly capture her attention. Most of these were cast aside, as interest in them quickly faded with time. But this was never the case with anything having to do with immediate and extended family. I similarly tried to save these rarities and file them away for God knows what. After I retired I had time to finally cull through her and my remaining clippings. The press items, articles and reports that remain mostly deal with family, my schooling, the Army, my time in private practice, my work at United Press International and Encyclopaedia Britannica, my activities in later years at The Cliff Dwellers arts club. and odds and ends of the day that for one reason or another occupied my time and attention in a significant way.