Anthony Canavan
Anthony Canavan, Sr. was a native of Ireland, his birth occurring in County Mayo in 1822. He was one o f a family of eleven children born to Anthony and Catherine Kirby (“Kittie”) Canavan.
Hart Family Tree
Editor's Note: To understand the Canavan family relationship with the Hart family you need to start with the top tree [...]
Anthony Canavan & Ann Hughes Trees
Editor's Note: Our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr. was born in Ireland in 1822 to his namesake father Anthony Canavan and his mother Catherine (Kitty) [...]
All the Kids of Anthony Canavan and Ann Hughes and Then Some
Editor's Note: If the tome of Descendants of Anthony Canavan and Ann Hughes were in book form and you weren't careful, [...]
Bill and Gus Bowe, as Remembered by Jim Hart in his Memoirs
8/1/1918 WB JHT 1700 Oakland Street, Des Moines, Iowa -- According to Joe Hart (a retired Canavan relative in Ireland) this is Bill Bowe, [...]
The Families Vol. 2 Website Launches
November 29, 2020 Well over 50 people joined the Zoom launch meeting yesterday for The Families: Vol. 2 website. They came from the West [...]
1951 Reunion of the James Francis and Anna Canavan Hart Family, Des Moines, IA
Front row: Florence, Annie, Mary Ann, Joe Jr., Denise, Mike, Jimmy, Elizabeth, Maureen;Middle row: Florence (Mrs. Paul) holding Paul, Izzy (Mrs. Pete) holding Katie, Anna [...]