Family Stories2023-06-14T10:40:40+00:00

Featured family stories

The Riots & Rockets Book Launch At The Cliff Dwellers

On March 22, 2024, family and friends, and a host of Members of The Cliff Dwellers, gathered at the Club to celebrate the publication on Amazon of Riots & Rockets, William J. Bowe's memoir of his Army days during the riotous 1960s and '70s, Chicago politics in the 1970s, and his lawyering life dealing with collectors' plates and foundations, the newswire service United Press International, and Encyclopaedia Britannica in the Digital Age.

The Riboud Family during World War II

After the German Army entered Paris on June 21, 1940, the Riboud family fled occupied France for Baltimore, Maryland, Nancy Riboud's childhood home in the United States. Nancy first left for Portugal with her young daughters Chesley and Betsy, and her infant daughter Olivia. Nancy's husband Jacques soon followed, meeting them in Serta, Portugal before sailing on the SS Excalibur for New York.

1981 Julie Anne Bowe Thompson (1931-1981)

Julie Anne Bowe Thompson was the daughter of Augustine Joseph Bowe and Julia Leonie Lecour Bowe. She was born in 1931, three years after her only sibling John Edward Bowe was born. As a young child she often navigated her Chicago block with John in a stroller he had recently outgrown.


Most recent stories

Deirdre McCloskey at The Cliff Dwellers

Deirdre McCloskey At The Cliff Dwellers Editor's Note: Deirdre McCloskey’s engagement with the The Cliff Dwellers over the last 20 years has been a deep one. She has given talks, served on the board of directors, and most [...]

A Farewell to Deirdre McCloskey

A Farewell to Deirdre McCloskey Editor's Note:  As the New Year rolled in, Deirdre McCloskey, 20 years a Cliff Dweller, prepared to move to Washington, D.C. to join the staff of the Cato Institute.  Her fellow members were [...]

Mary Gwinn Bowe and The 1960 Kennedy Presidential Campaign

Editor's Note: In 1960, John F. Kennedy was running for President. After a September campaign event in our apartment living room with Ethel and Joan Kennedy, the wives of his JFK's brothers Robert and Edward Kennedy, my mother joins the soon-to-be-elected President at an event in his Chicago campaign office. Also attending are then Mayor Richard J. Daley, and later Mayor Jane Byrne.

Family Films

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  • Rick Frendt

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  • Sarah Lynch Wernstedt

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  • 4/26/2024 WMD Chef Victor Perez's Farewell Party, The Cliff Dwellers, 200 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL Bill Drennan, Chicago, IL 2024

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  • Prof. John Lynch

    Prof. John Gibbons Lynch, Jr.’s Interview with Bill Bowe

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  • Bird Girl Cliff Dwellers 2024 Annual Meeting Slideshow

    2024 The Cliff Dwellers Annual Members Meeting

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  • Cliff Dwellers Title slide for 2024 Slideshow

    Slideshow for the 2024 Cliff Dwellers Annual Members’ Meeting

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  • The fascinating life of Bill Bowe

    The Fascinating Life of Bill Bowe

    Shortly after the publication on Amazon of my memoir Riots & Rockets, the distinguished Chicago Tribune columnist Rick Kogan asked me to join him in talking about the book on his WGN-720 AM radio show.

  • 6/15/2024 Internet, The Cliff Dwellers, 200 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL Poster celebrating 100th Anniversary of James Joyce's Ulysses and Bloomsday, Chicago, IL 2024

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    Around the World with a City Planner – Leslie Pollock

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    Hot Time, Summer in the City

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    Divided on D-Day – Edward E. Gordon

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