Parish Materials

2020-12-11 Cathy Parish Remembers Momence and the Parish Bank
2003-12-01 Parish Bank Honored as Legacy (Kankakee Journal)
2002-07-02 William Wallace Parish Obituary
2001-05-27 Anna Victoria Skura Family Index an Narrative, Parish-Skura Genealogy and Photo Album
1991 Parish Bank vs. The Great Depression (Harry Heninger and Scott Degitz)
1984-03-15 The Parish Family and Momence Sesquicentennial News (Momence Progress-Reporter)
1982-10-03 Have You Heard: Ova Parish is Flying to Meet the Queen (The Sunday Journal, Kankakee, Illinois)
1963-09-27 Parish v. Parish, Opinion of the Illinois Supreme Court
1949-03-15 Estate of Parish v. Commissioner Opinion (U.S. Tax Court Decision includes Parish family history and how the Parish Bank survived the depression and fully repaid its depositors)
1884-1944 Parish Family Clippings from the “Years Ago” Files of the Momence Progress Reporter Weekly Newspaper
1789-2000 Naples, New York Millennial Calendar – Parish Family Events and Role as 1st Settlers in 1789