Editor’s Note: In December, 2086, Cathy, Andy, Pat and I took a nostalgic visit to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where Andy had been cared for in the weeks following his premature birth. Unexpectedly, we bumped into Susan Lynch in the elevator lobby and peering through the observation windows we together watched the busy work going on at the time in the ICU.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T20:28:18+00:00July 22nd, 2021|Andrew Michael Bowe, Bowe Families, Bowe Materials, Bowe videos, Catherine Vanselow Bowe, Lynch, Lynch Materials, Lynch videos, Patrick David Bowe, Susan Alling Lynch, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 1986 The Bowes Bump Into Susan Lynch at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Neonatal ICU, Chicago, Illinois