Editor’s Note: In June, 1991, Emily and Kevin Casey visited the Bowes on Colony Court. In reviewing this footage years later and trying to reconstruct the events depicted, it appears to me that Emily Casey was trying to flee the scene on a tractor with three wheels while her brother Kevin, along with Andy Bowe and his grandfather, loaded their firearms and prepared to give chase.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T15:00:06+00:00July 26th, 2021|Andrew Michael Bowe, Bowe Families, Bowe Materials, Bowe videos, Casey Families, Casey Materials, Casey Videos, Danielak Families, Emily Casey Danielak, Harold (Bus) Vanselow, Sr, Kevin Casey, Patrick David Bowe, Vanselow, Vanselow Materials, Vanselow Videos, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 1991 Emily Casey Makes Tricycle Getaway as the Law Locks and Loads, 2422 Colony Court, Northbrook, Illinois