Editor’s Note: In October, 2001 Cathy, Andy, Pat and I holed up in a house at 25 Pier Road in Cape Porpoise, Maine to attend the marriage there of Daisy Janeway to my cousin Rob Bowe. It turned out our little rented cottage had the perfect porch from which to record the newlyweds boarding a boat captained by Rob’s brothers Charley and Sandy. With a cheering crowd of well wishers seeing them off, the craft motored off slowly out of the harbor to the wedding reception at the Wahwa Cottages of the Bowe and Pargellis families.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T20:18:04+00:00July 17th, 2021|Alexander John Bowe, Bowe Families, Bowe Materials, Bowe videos, Charles Bowe, Daisy Janeway Bowe, June Leftwich Bowe, Katherine Bowe, Katherine Pargellis Bowe, Melissa Bowe, Reunion Videos, Robert Stanley Bowe, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 2001 Robert Stanley Bowe and Daisy Janeway Bowe Sail Away into Married Life in Cape Porpoise, Maine