Editor’s Note: As with most of the other families, a Canavan ancestor looms large for the Casey Families and their offshoots. In the top tree above, we see our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr. He was one of the nine children of Anthony Canavan and Catherine Kirby. In that tree we also see Anthony Canavan, Sr. and his wife Ann Hughes had 11 children who survived to adulthood, one of whom was Margaret Elizabeth Canavan (the lady in blue, as it were).

John Dominic and Margaret Canavan Casey had two children. Mary Catherine Casey, known as Catherine, was born May 22, 1900, in Chicago. Mary Catherine died on August 9, 1982, at the age of 82. Her namesake brother John Dominic Casey was born in Chicago on February 15, 1907 and died on April 16, 1989, at the age of 82.

At the age of 34, John Dominic married Martha Burns Gwinn on Monday, November 17, 1941, in Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Mt. Washington, Baltimore, MD, when she was 31 years old.
Martha Burns was born in Baltimore on Monday, January 24, 1910. She was the daughter of Richard Lawrence Gwinn Jr. and Elizabeth Josephine Tack.
Martha Burns reached 77 years of age and died in Chicago, IL, on February 23, 1987. She was buried in Calvary Cemetery, Evanston.
John Dominic Casey and Martha Burns Gwinn had two children:
Theodore Lawrence Casey was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 6, 1948.
Margaret Elizabeth, known as Maggie, was born in Chicago on August 23, 1950.

At the age of 59, Margaret married Mel Winer on Friday, September 11, 2009, in Hawaii when he was 63 years old. Mel was born in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, on Saturday, November 17, 1945.

At the age of 30, Theodore Lawrence Casey, known as Ted, married Ann Weimeskirch on Saturday, May 27, 1978, in St. Clement Catholic Church, 642 W. Deming Place, Chicago, IL, when she was 31 years old. Ann was born on Thursday, April 24, 1947.
Ted and Ann Casey have two children: Kevin and Emily.
Kevin Casey was born on May 1, 1981.
Emily Casey was born on May 12, 1985.

Kevin Casey married Toni Rae Kirsch on Friday, November 7, 2014, in The Arboretum Club, 401 West Half Day Road, Buffalo Grove, IL.
They have one daughter: Mackenzie Ann.
Mackenzie Ann Casey was born on June 23, 2016.

Emily Casey married Matthew Danielak on Saturday, October 19, 2013 in St. John Berchman’s Church, 2517 West Logan Boulevard in Chicago. Matthew is the son of Anthony and Madelyn Danielak.
Matthew and Emily Casey Danielak have two daughters: Charlotte and Madelyn.
Madelyn Ann Danielak was born July 19, 2016.
Charlotte Danielak was born on March 6, 2020.