Editor’s Note: In May, 1989, I was able to join the Riboud Family at their country home outside Paris in Vieux Moulin, France. Present were my Uncle Jacques Riboud, who married my mother’s sister Nancy Gwinn in 1933. Also present was their daughter, Livie, their son Jean Gwinn and his wife Myriam and Jean and Myriam’s children Thomas, Josephine and Melissa Riboud. Rounding out the group were several other friends and family. Thomas was the birthday boy this day. After he blew out the candles on his cake, he excitedly showed his grandmother his special birthday present. Later Jean Gwinn tried his hand at taking a video outside on the lawn in front of the house. He found his mother relaxing in a chair. My Aunt Nancy was somewhat surprised he was making a “movie.” Then Jean Gwinn left with Myriam on a bicycle tour in and around Vieux Moulin. When I last saw him, one hand held a Sony Handycam and the other held his bicycle handlebars.

You can click on the picture of the Vieux Moulin house above to view the whole day’s events or click on any one of the four clips below that interests you.

A Family Gathering

Jean Gwinn Riboud Makes a “Movie”

A Surprise Birthday Present for Thomas

Jean Gwinn & Myriam Riboud Go Bicycling