France 2022
With the pandemic and lockdown fading fast in the rear view mirror, I proposed to my son Pat that he join me in visiting our cousins in France this summer.
La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)
La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932) Note de l'éditeur : Ce clip vidéo commence par des informations sur les ancêtres de Richard Gwinn, en particulier son père Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) et sa mère, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). [...]
The Life of Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)
Editor's Note:This video clip begins with information about Richard Gwinn's ancestors, particularly his father Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) and mother, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). It also touches on his siblings Mary Cornelia Gwinn (1865-1925), Elizabeth Rose ("Bessie") Gwinn (1871-1939), [...]
Olivia Riboud on Her Riboud and Gwinn Parents and Grandparents
In the spring of 2023, Olivia Cosgrave Riboud discussed her family history with her first cousin Bill Bowe.
27 The Cliff Notes Version of How We’re All Related
27 The Cliff Notes Version of How We're All Related Well, there you have it. That’s the Cliff Notes version of how this Canavan group is all related. If you want the Encyclopaedia Britannica length version, you got [...]
2021-01 “Aren’t Families Wonderful!”
"Aren't Families Wonderful!" Editor's Note: In this introduction to the talk I gave at our gala Reunion dinner, I set out to explain to the assembled how they were all related to one another. With the lockdown's separation [...]
Robert Augustus Gwinn (1827-1911)
Robert Augustus Gwinn, a teacher in Conyers, Georgia at the outset of the Civil War, recounts his service in the Confederate Army and his later capture and internment by General Sherman's Union Army troops.
Mary Gwinn Bowe Materials
1970 The Families, by Mary Gwinn Bowe 1970 Mary Gwinn Bowe Before & After Chicago, from The Families 1960-09-16 Mary Bowe Hosts Kennedy Kin in 1960 Presidential Election (Chicago Triboune