Editor’s Note: In May, 1989, I joined Myriam, Livie, Josephine, Teddy and Melissa for a stroll around Vieux Moulin. It was a quiet town that day, to say the least. The major activity we witnessed was Myriam watching a cat weave between fence posts.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T21:22:30+00:00July 7th, 2021|Josephine Riboud Corderoc'h, Melissa Riboud, Myriam Riboud, Olivia Cosgrave Riboud, Riboud Family, Riboud Materials, Riboud videos, Theodore Riboud, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 1989 Myriam, Livie, Josephine, Teddy and Melissa Riboud Stroll in Quiet Vieux Moulin