The Robert Burns Supper in 2025 with Rick Frendt

 Gerry Labedz Toasts the Haggis 

Editor’s Note:

Above you will find the video of emcee Rick Frendt’s introduction to the evening celebrating the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Who knew he was capable of delivering it in a flawless Scottish accent?
Below you will find videos of the snappy interludes of bagpipe and songs and eloquent readings from the Burns oeuvre.
Cliff Dweller Gerry Labedz summed up the evening this way: “On Thursday night January 23 a merry and aye, not a wee crowd, gathered at the Cliff Dwellers to enjoy a fun evening celebrating the poet laureate of Scotland, Robert Burns, at a traditional Burns Supper. The evening was opened by Master of Ceremonies Rick Frendt, and the traditional bagpiper (wi’ a kilt) leading in the haggis. When the ceremonial haggis cutting and toast were done, the evening was officially underway, and the buffet was opened to begin the feasting and entertainment. The Lassies and Laddies were toasted, songs were sung, poems of Robbie Burns and others were read, excellent Scotch was tasted. And finally, Cliff Dwellers we have lost were remembered. A good time was indeed had by all, as the evening closed with Auld Lang Syne. The room was beautiful, the food was beautiful, the scotch was beautiful, the entertainment was beautiful!”

Addressing the Haggis

The Burns Supper Musical Performances and Readings

Piper Christopher Coomes

Margaret Colarelli

A Red, Red, Rose

Trish Ricketts & Peter Hurley

Rick Condit and Sue Elliott

A Toast to the Lads and Lassies

Nike Whitcomb

My Heart’s in the Highlands

Richard Reeder

A Man’s a Man for That

Trish Ricketts & Peter Hurley

Bob Dylan

Jerry Loeser

A Bottle and a Friend

Eve Moran & Bill Drennan

In Memoriam

Bill Bowe, Bill Drennan, Eve Moran

Penny Wilson “Auld Lang Syne”

Gerry Labedz

Toasts the Haggis 

Piper Christopher Coomes

Dinner Bagpipe Serenade