Editor’s Note: On a visit to Paris in February, 1989, I was on the my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jacques Riboud’s apartment balcony and took a look through the fog at the Eiffel Tower in the distance. A new yellow glow spelled, “100 ans.” Nearby in the living room, Cecilia, James and Betsy Riboud Lacombe and Jean Paul de la Chapelle were engrossed in a television program before our departure.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T21:24:51+00:00July 11th, 2021|Cecilia Lacombe Kuhn, de la Chapelle, de la Chapelle Materials, de la Chapelle videos, Jean Paul de la Chapelle, Kuhn, Lacombe Materials, Lacombe Videos, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 1989 The Lacombe Family at 14 Avenue Georges Mandell on the Eiffel Tower’s 100th Birthday, Paris, France