Editor’s Note: In May, 1989 Jean Gwinn and Myriam Riboud’s house in Versailles began to stir early one morning during my visit. Jean Gwinn was setting the table as newly awake Thomas and Josephine milled about the living room. For dinner that evening we were joined by Livie Riboud and Myriam’s brother, Bruno Bourel de la Roncière.
By Bill Bowe|2023-07-25T21:23:04+00:00June 25th, 2021|Jean Gwinn Riboud, Josephine Riboud Corderoc'h, Olivia Cosgrave Riboud, Riboud Materials, Riboud videos, Thomas Riboud, VIDEOS|Comments Off on 1989 Jean Gwinn, Thomas, Josephine and Livie Riboud at 10 Rue Jacques Lemercier, Versailles, France