Heffron Materials

Patricia Lynch Heffron & Walter Heffron
2015-03-01 Olden Times, Coincidence & Chance by Walter Heffron
2014-12-01 Memories of Christmas at My Grandparents by Walter Heffron
2010-03-26 Son Stephen's Farmhouses in Indiana & Illinois by Walter Heffron
2007-12-26 Sleepy Hollows Man with a (Zoning) Plan (The Courier News)
2007-06-07 Patricia Lynch Heffron Memorial Lunch (Remarks by Walter Heffron)
2006-12-06 Patricia Lynch Heffron Obituary (Chicago Suburban Daily Herald)
2004-03-31 The Casey, Gwinn, Lynch, Heffron Family Tree by Walter Heffron
1994-03-01 History of the Lynch & Casey Families by Patricia Lynch Heffron