1989 Betsey Riboud Lacombe with Livie Riboud and Bill Bowe in Vieux, Moulin
1989 Betsey Riboud Lacombe with Livie Riboud and Bill Bowe in Vieux, Moulin Editor's Note: In April 1989, I visited the Riboud and Lacombe family members at the Riboud home outside Paris in Vieux Moulin, a [...]
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Practices His Saxophone as Melissa Riboud Listens, 10 Rue Jacques Lemercier, Versailles, France
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Practices His Saxophone as Melissa Riboud Listens, 10 Rue Jacques Lemercier, Versailles, France Editor's Note: In April, 1990, I stopped over at Jean Gwinn and Myriam Riboud's house in Versailles. After dinner, Jean Gwinn practiced [...]
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Takes Bill Bowe to the 1918 World War I Armistice Site in Compiegne, France
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Takes Bill Bowe to the 1918 World War I Armistice Site in Compiegne, France Editor's Note: Not far from the Riboud family home in Vieux Moulin, France is the site where the World I [...]
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Picks Up Bill Bowe and Tours the Cathedral in Senlis, France
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Picks Up Bill Bowe and Tours the Cathedral in Senlis, France Editor's Note: In April, 1990. Jean Gwinn Riboud picked me up at DeGaulle Airport when I stopped on a business trip to Europe [...]
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Gives Bill Bowe a Tour of the New La Defence Building Complex in Paris
1990 Jean Gwinn Riboud Gives Bill Bowe a Tour of the New La Defence Building Complex in Paris Editor's Note: In April, 1990, Jean Gwinn Riboud gave me a tour of the newly opened La Defense building complex [...]
1991 Sophia Lacombe and Myriam Riboud at Jean Robert and Cecilia Lacombe Kuhn’s Rue Brey Apartment
1991 Sophia Lacombe and Myriam Riboud at Jean Robert and Cecilia Lacombe Kuhn's Rue Brey Apartment Editor's Note: In November, 1991, I visited Jean Robert and Cecelia Lacombe Kuhn's apartment on Rue Brey in Paris. While Sophia Lacombe chatted [...]
1991 Ribouds, Caseys and Bowes Watch Tape of Jean Robert and Cecilia Lacombe Kuhn Wedding
1991 Ribouds, Caseys and Bowes Watch Tape of Jean Robert and Cecilia Lacombe Kuhn Wedding Editor's Note: In November, 1991, Margaret and Ted Casey and I joined the Riboud family in Chindrieux, France to attend the funeral of our [...]
1983-2002 Andy and Pat Bowe Hit the Amusement Park Trail
1983-2002 Andy and Pat Bowe Hit the Amusement Park Trail Editor's Note: Between 1983, when Andy Bowe was three, to 2002, when he was 22 and his bother Pat was 17, they both hit a lot of amusement parks in [...]
1991 Jean Gwinn Riboud Visits Chicago and is Greeted by Andy Bowe
1991 Jean Gwinn Riboud Visits Chicago and is Greeted by Andy Bowe Editor's Note: In November, 1991, my son Andy Bowe and I waited patiently at O'Hare Airport greet Jean Gwinn's on his arrival in Chicago. It marked the [...]