• Bill Bowe

    Diet Troubles Though a delicate subject for me, I spoke directly about my diet troubles. [Automatically generated subtitles in both English and French can be read or turned off by clicking on the CC (Closed Captions) button on the lower right corner of the video.]

    By Views: 4620.2 min read
  • Bill Bowe

    Turning 80 At my last birthday party, I had a chance to tell family and friends why Turning 80 was no bed of roses. [Automatically generated subtitles in both English and French can be read or turned off by clicking on the CC (Closed Captions) button on the lower right corner of the video.] [...]

    By Views: 5710.3 min read
  • Bill Bowe

    [Automatically generated subtitles in both English and French can be read or turned off by clicking on the CC (Closed Captions) button on the lower right corner of the video.] Bill Bowe Remarks Remarques de Bill Bowe 80th Birthday Party       Click here to see the party pictures Editor's [...]

    By Views: 104810.5 min read
  • The Impossible Dream Preview

    Listen to the ill chosen words that sank The Impossible Dream faster than the Titanic.

    By Views: 5790.5 min read
  • Bill Bowe at lectern

    Editor's Note: In my pre-dinner remarks, I took time to warn the Reunion diners of the dangers of B.E.D. First diagnosed two years earlier in my brother Richard and myself, Buffet Eating Disorder causes the sufferers to eat so much at a buffet that they are later embarrassed when they find they can't get up from their chair after [...]

    By Views: 3830.3 min read
  • Bowe Video Old Chicago

    A World War II Veteran Introduces a Slideshow of Old Chicago Editor's Note: To introduce the Old Chicago slideshow played during dinner, I took the opportunity to review a 1945 Chicago Sun newspaper clipping. Though it wasn't good enough to make the cut for the slideshow, it did prove wrong a number of Doubting Thomases in the room. [...]

    By Views: 4970.3 min read
  • Bill Bowe with Anthony Canavan, Sr.

    Bill Bowe tells questionable stories of his incarceration during the pandemic.

    By Views: 4550.7 min read