Please take a moment to fill out this RSVP form by August 15th.

This will help give us a heads up on who and how many we can expect for our exiting Reunion events.  It already looks like a large crowd, but it’s getting to be time to pin this down in our Reunion planning.


Will you be able to attend any of the FAMILY REUNION EVENTS?

If you’ll be joining us at the Reunion, which events can you attend?

Will you attend the SATURDAY BOAT TRIP?

Will you attend the SATURDAY DINNER?

Will you attend the SUNDAY BOTANIC GARDEN?

If 10 or more people are interested, we can provide round-trip BUS TRANSPORTATION from downtown to the garden. For those attending the Open House, the bus will make a drop-off at the Bowe home following the garden outing. Does this interest you and your party?

Will you attend the SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE?