2021-01 “Aren’t Families Wonderful!”
"Aren't Families Wonderful!" Editor's Note: In this introduction to the talk I gave at our gala Reunion dinner, I set out to explain to the assembled how they were all related to one another. With the lockdown's separation [...]
2021 Obsessed: The Pandemic Meets the 114th Annual Meeting of Members of The Cliff Dwellers
Bill Bowe tells questionable stories of his incarceration during the pandemic.
2021 Old Chicago
Editor's Note: Here is a collection of photos and postcards of a now lost Chicago shown at The Cliff Dwellers at a Canavan Family Reunion in 2021. The images date from 1867. The slideshow is accompanied by music and [...]
2019 Wilbert R. Hasbrouck Memorial
Bill Hasbrouck was a Past-President of The Cliff Dwellers who advocated for, and presided over, admission of women to the club. He was also the architect of the award winning renovation of the space above Orchestra Hall that the [...]
2019 Richard Gwinn Bowe Memorial Lunch
At The Cliff Dwellers: A Remembrance and Celebration of the Life of Richard Gwinn Bowe (1938-2019) with a eulogy from his brother, William J. Bowe, and remarks from his twins, Alexandra & Anson Bowe and his caretaker at [...]