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2019 Wilbert R. Hasbrouck Memorial

Bill Hasbrouck was a Past-President of The Cliff Dwellers who advocated for, and presided over, admission of women to the club. He was also the architect of the award winning renovation of the space above Orchestra Hall that the [...]

1933 New York to Paris

Chapter 1 - 00:00 Nancy & Jacques Sail to France from New York Chapter 2 - 02:12 Nancy & Jacques Riboud Apartment at 7, rue Madame, Paris Chapter 3 - 03:27 The Luxembourg Gardens Chapter 4 - 03:52 Jacques [...]

2009 Thriller Opening Night

October 24, 2009 Laetitia de la Chapelle email: Attention! voici la version officielle!!!! les enfants ont beaucoup répété pour ce spectacle...soyez indulgent... (merci Guillaume) Attention! Here is the official version!!! The children rehearsed a lot for this show ... be indulgent ... (thank you William).

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