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Tack Family Tree

Elizabeth Josephine Tack was the daughter of Theodore Edward Tack and Mary Agnes Cosgrave.  She was a sibling of painter Augustus Vincent Tack and other children of Theodore and Mary Tack.  In 1907 she married Richard Lawrence Gwinn, Jr.  [...]

De Rosa Family

Richard Gwinn Bowe was the son of William John Bowe, Sr. and Mary Gwinn Bowe. In 1963 in Chicago he married Ann Fauble of Toledo, Ohio. Richard Bowe and Ann Fauble were subsequently divorced. Ann Fauble later married Judd [...]

Hart Family Tree

Editor's Note:  To understand the Canavan family relationship with the Hart family you need to start with the top tree above of the parents of our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr. (1822-1890).  Our progenitor's father was [...]

Lecour Family Tree

Editor’s Note: Our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr.  was born in Ireland in 1822 to his namesake father Anthony Canavan and his mother Catherine (Kitty) Kirby. Because the son Anthony Canavan, Sr. and his wife Ann Hughes emigrated to the U.S., [...]

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