The Impossible Dream: The Movie
Listen to the ill chosen words that sank The Impossible Dream faster than the Titanic.
Introduction of Reunion Co-Hosts Anthony Canavan Bowe and Beth Hanley Dunn
Editor's Note: To get the pre-dinner part of the Reunion program underway, Bill Bowe introduces the Reunion's star-name attraction, host Anthony Canavan Bowe, and the organizer and host of the Chicago Botanic Garden event, Beth Hanley Dunn. [...]
Tony Bowe on Gus and Julia Bowe and the Canavan Family Website
Editor's Note: Before dinner at The Cliff Dwellers, Tony Bowe talks to the Reunion guests about his grandparents, Gus and Julia Bowe. He also comments on the false report of my death and Illinois Appellate Court Judge Michael Hyman's recent [...]
Bill Bowe warns of B.E.D. risk.
Editor's Note: In my pre-dinner remarks, I took time to warn the Reunion diners of the dangers of B.E.D. First diagnosed two years earlier in my brother Richard and myself, Buffet Eating Disorder causes the sufferers to eat so [...]
A War Veteran Introduces the Old Chicago Slideshow
A World War II Veteran Introduces a Slideshow of Old Chicago Editor's Note: To introduce the Old Chicago slideshow played during dinner, I took the opportunity to review a 1945 Chicago Sun newspaper clipping. Though it wasn't good enough [...]
Architectural Boat Tour: The Movie
Architectural Boat Tour: The Movie Editor's Note: The first event of the Canavan Family Reunion in 2021 was an exclusive Chicago River tour with a docent with the Chicago Architectural Foundation as our guide. The group assembled early at [...]
6 The Canavans Abandon Ship
The Canavan related crowd abandoned ship in good order and surprisingly quickly. The rapidity of their departure was driven no doubt by the desire not to miss a minute of the approaching cocktail hour at The Cliff Dwellers.
5 Eastbound to Navy Pier & a Return to Riverwalk
The next leg of the Canavan Family Reunion architectural boat tour took us east to the turning basin by the Chicago locks. There, adjacent to nearby Navy Pier, we stared into the sun and took in Chicago’s striking skyline.
The Impossible Dream – Renaming the Reid Murdoch Building
Unfortunately I got carried away at the end and proposed that the name of the Reid Murdoch Building be changed to the Bowe Building. From the laughter and smirks on the faces of my kin, I could see they hadn’t been persuaded. That night I cried myself to sleep, knowing the Bowe Building would never come to be.