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De Rosa Family

Richard Gwinn Bowe was the son of William John Bowe, Sr. and Mary Gwinn Bowe. In 1963 in Chicago he married Ann Fauble of Toledo, Ohio. Richard Bowe and Ann Fauble were subsequently divorced. Ann Fauble later married Judd [...]

Lecour Family Tree

Editor’s Note: Our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr.  was born in Ireland in 1822 to his namesake father Anthony Canavan and his mother Catherine (Kitty) Kirby. Because the son Anthony Canavan, Sr. and his wife Ann Hughes emigrated to the U.S., [...]

1989 – The Ribouds & Lacombes at Vieux Moulin

1989 - Visiting the Ribouds and Lacombes at Vieux Moulin Arriving with Jean Gwinn Riboud, Bill Bowe visits his Aunt Nancy's country home outside Paris in Vieux Moulin and is greeted by Nancy, Jacques and Livie Riboud and Henri and [...]

2021 Old Chicago

Editor's Note: Here is a collection of photos and postcards of a now lost Chicago shown at The Cliff Dwellers at a Canavan Family Reunion in 2021. The images date from 1867.  The slideshow is accompanied by music and [...]

The Families

Editor's Note. In 1970 my mother Mary Gwinn Bowe published 500 copies of The Families, her book of family stories and genealogy. It was the result of years of research and writing. This was of course in the era [...]

The Generations

Editor's Note: In 1959 my aunt Julia Lecour Bowe published The Generations, a scholarly history of her French Pallissard ancestors. She recorded their French past and the American future they made for themselves in the 1850s when some of [...]

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