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John Elson on Circumspect Law Students

John Elson on Circumspect Law Students John Elson is in a good position to assess today's "Circumspect Law Students," because he remembers being a student himself, and he's been immersed in a sea of their ilk all his [...]

Law School Evolution

In his opening remarks at the afternoon gathering with his classmates, David Goldberger talked in detail about the evolution of law school teaching as he experienced it in the the decades he spent teaching First Amendment law, Constitutional Law, [...]

Bernardine Dohrn

Bernardine Dohrn Editor's Note: Bernardine Dohrn's remarks were made on April 29, 2022, at the first of two dinners associated with the University of Chicago Law School's Class of 1967's 55th Reunion. Following a few bad puns on [...]

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft Editor's Note: Among John Ashcroft's observations during his question and answer session was, "If you don't want to see blood, don't get into politics." With a long career in Missouri and national political life, solid conservative [...]

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