2021-03 Coming to America – John Casey on Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes
Coming to America - John Casey on Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes Editor's Note: In 1987, I sat down with my uncle John Casey, a grandson of Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes. He was the son [...]
2021-01 “Aren’t Families Wonderful!”
"Aren't Families Wonderful!" Editor's Note: In this introduction to the talk I gave at our gala Reunion dinner, I set out to explain to the assembled how they were all related to one another. With the lockdown's separation [...]
1988 Christmas Party in Northbrook (Damaged Frames)
1988 Christmas Party in Northbrook (Damaged Frames) Editor's Note: In December 1988, Cathy and I had the usual Christmas gathering for family at our home in Northbrook, Illinois. Time or a defect, or both, has rendered inaudible and unwatchable [...]
1989 The Lynch, Heffron, Casey and Bowe Families Celebrate Laura Lynch and Hugh McPherson
Wishing Laura Lynch and Hugh McPherson well, Lynch, Casey, Heffron & Bowe family members travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan to celebrate their union. The picnic affair at a Huron River park has plenty of places to sit for the older [...]
The Children of Anthony Canavan and Ann Hughes
Long story short: they quit after 13.
The Families Vol. 2 Website Launches
November 29, 2020 Well over 50 people joined the Zoom launch meeting yesterday for The Families: Vol. 2 website. They came from the West Coast, from France and from all points in between. The festivities began with a meet [...]
All the Kids of Anthony Canavan and Ann Hughes and Then Some
Editor's Note: If the tome of Descendants of Anthony Canavan and Ann Hughes were in book form and you weren't careful, it would break your coffee table in two. But it's not a book. It's merely [...]
Casey & Danielak Family Trees
Editor’s Note: As with most of the other families, a Canavan ancestor looms large for the Casey Families and their offshoots. In the top tree above, we see our progenitor Anthony Canavan, Sr. He was [...]
Francis and Susan Alling Lynch Trees
At the age of 26, Francis Lynch married Susan Alling on Saturday, December 27, 1947, when she was 23 years old. Francis died on May 11, 2000, at the age of 79. He was buried in Queen of Heaven [...]