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Don Rose

Don Rose 2022 Don Rose at Nick Farina Memorial  During the Singer campaign in 1974-1975, I had met Don Rose, a longtime anti-machine and civil rights activist. Later, in 1979, I briefly sought his advice as [...]

Augustine J. Bowe Obituary

Augustine J. Bowe Obituary ( Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry Augustine Joseph Bowe (1892-1966) Chicago Lawyers and Literature James R. Elkins College of Law || West Virginia University I began law teaching at DePaul [...]

1 From the Riverwalk to Wolf Point

Out chartered tour boat proceeded west towards Wolf Point, passing under the DuSable, Rush, State, Dearborn, Clark, LaSalle, Wells and Franklin bascule bridges over the Chicago River. Our docent guide from the Chicago Architectural Foundation filled us in on the significance of the City’s famous buildings along this stretch of the River.