Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden Editor's Note: Sunday brought the Reunion crowd another gorgeous, sunny day. The Buehler Enabling Garden was exclusively set aside for the Canavan Reunion group, as was our exclusive tram tour of the Garden's 385 acres. [...]
22 John Gibbons Lynch & Roberta Wyman Family
22 John Gibbons Lynch & Roberta Wyman Family Frank’s younger brother Jack Lynch also saw service in the military. After the War, Jack Lynch married Roberta Wyman in 1951. And their children Robbie, John Jr., Cathy, Beth, Casey, [...]
21 Francis Joseph Lynch & Susan Alling Family
21 Francis Joseph Lynch & Susan Alling Family The first child born to Patrick and Catherine Casey Lynch was Francis Lynch. On the left is a picture of him taken during World War II standing with my parents [...]
1991 Bobby Gay and Jack Lynch’s 40th Wedding Anniversary Party, Cary, Illinois
1991 Bobby Gay and Jack Lynch's 40th Wedding Anniversary Party, Cary, Illinois Editor's Note: In June, 1991, Bobby Gay and Jack Lynch celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a family party at a park in Cary, Illinois. The [...]
1988 Christmas Party in Northbrook (Damaged Frames)
1988 Christmas Party in Northbrook (Damaged Frames) Editor's Note: In December 1988, Cathy and I had the usual Christmas gathering for family at our home in Northbrook, Illinois. Time or a defect, or both, has rendered inaudible and unwatchable [...]
1989 Laura Lynch & Hugh MacPherson’s Wedding Reception
The reception following the 1989 wedding of Laura Lynch to Hugh MacPherson was held at Wellers Carriage House in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The lawn outside Wellers was the perfect place for the bride and her parents and siblings to [...]