1986 Cathy and Bill Bowe Have Family Over after Return from Nashville, 2422 Colony Court, Northbrook, IL
1986 Cathy and Bill Bowe Have Family Over after Return from Nashville, 2422 Colony Court, Northbrook, IL Editor's Note: In October, 1986, shortly after Cathy and Bill Bowe moved back to the Chicago area from Nashville, they threw [...]
1988 Kristine VanEvery Marries Casey Lynch in Crystal Lake, Illinois
1988 Kristine VanEvery Marries Casey Lynch in Crystal Lake, Illinois Editor's Note: In October, 1988, Kristine Van Every Married Casey Lynch in Crystal Lake, Illinois. The video clips included among the Lynch families Jack, Roberta, Robbie, Tim and [...]
1988 Emily Lynch Marries Joel Gomez in Cary, Illinois
1988 Emily Lynch Marries Joel Gomez in Cary, Illinois Editor's Note: In August, 1988, Emily Lynch married Joel Gomez in Cary, Illinois. There was a full family turnout with Jack and Roberta Lynch giving away the bride with [...]
1994 Charley and June Leftwich Bowe are Married in Cape Porpoise, Maine
1994 Charley and June Leftwich Bowe are Married in Cape Porpoise, Maine Editor's Note: In August, 1994 my cousin Charles Bowe married June Leftwich in Cape Porpoise Maine. The church ceremony was in a wonderful setting and the afternoon [...]
1998 Bill Bowe Offers a Few Thoughts about the Christmas Party, Northbrook, Illinois
1998 Bill Bowe Offers a Few Thoughts about the Christmas Party, Northbrook, Illinois Editor's Note: Bill Bowe's friend Nick Farina asks Bill a few questions during Bill and Cathy Bowe's annual Christmas party. In the loud and busy background, [...]
1994 Jean Gwinn, Myriam and Livie Riboud and Sophia Lacombe Host Frank and Susan Lynch on the River Seine
1994 Ribouds and Lacombes Host Frank and Susan Lynch on the River Seine Editor's Note: In July, 1994, I happened to be in Paris on business when Frank and Susan Lynch were there vacationing. In no time Jean Gwinn, [...]
1988 The Caseys, Bowes and Lynches with Myriam and Jean Gwinn Riboud, 2230 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, IL
1988 The Caseys, Bowes and Lynches with Myriam and Jean Gwinn Riboud, 2230 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, IL In November, 1988, Martha, John, Ted and Emily Casey hosted a dinner for Myriam and Jean Gwinn Riboud at their [...]
1989 Laura Lynch & Hugh MacPherson’s Wedding Reception
The reception following the 1989 wedding of Laura Lynch to Hugh MacPherson was held at Wellers Carriage House in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The lawn outside Wellers was the perfect place for the bride and her parents and siblings to [...]
1989 The Lynch, Heffron, Casey and Bowe Families Celebrate Laura Lynch and Hugh McPherson
Wishing Laura Lynch and Hugh McPherson well, Lynch, Casey, Heffron & Bowe family members travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan to celebrate their union. The picnic affair at a Huron River park has plenty of places to sit for the older [...]