The Riots & Rockets Book Launch At The Cliff Dwellers
On March 22, 2024, family and friends, and a host of Members of The Cliff Dwellers, gathered at the Club to celebrate the publication on Amazon of Riots & Rockets, William J. Bowe's memoir of his Army days during the riotous 1960s and '70s, Chicago politics in the 1970s, and his lawyering life dealing with collectors' plates and foundations, the newswire service United Press International, and Encyclopaedia Britannica in the Digital Age.
France 2022
With the pandemic and lockdown fading fast in the rear view mirror, I proposed to my son Pat that he join me in visiting our cousins in France this summer.
Richard Lawrence Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932) (En Francais)
Mon grand-père, Richard Lawrence Gwinn, Jr., est né à Baltimore, Maryland en 1867. Il a fréquenté le Calvert College là-bas et a poursuivi une carrière dans la banque et la fonction publique. Il mourut à Baltimore en 1932 après avoir été victime d'un accident vasculaire cérébral.
La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)
La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932) Note de l'éditeur : Ce clip vidéo commence par des informations sur les ancêtres de Richard Gwinn, en particulier son père Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) et sa mère, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). [...]
The Life of Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)
Editor's Note:This video clip begins with information about Richard Gwinn's ancestors, particularly his father Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) and mother, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). It also touches on his siblings Mary Cornelia Gwinn (1865-1925), Elizabeth Rose ("Bessie") Gwinn (1871-1939), and [...]
Olivia Riboud on Her Riboud and Gwinn Parents and Grandparents
In the spring of 2023, Olivia Cosgrave Riboud discussed her family history with her first cousin Bill Bowe.
25 The Gwinn Sisters (Bowe, Casey, Danielak & Riboud)
25 The Gwinn Sisters (Bowe, Casey, Danielak & Riboud) We’re in the home stretch now folks, as we follow the Gwinn sisters into the Casey, Bowe and Riboud families. You see my mother Mary and the four Gwinn [...]
21 Francis Joseph Lynch & Susan Alling Family
21 Francis Joseph Lynch & Susan Alling Family The first child born to Patrick and Catherine Casey Lynch was Francis Lynch. On the left is a picture of him taken during World War II standing with my parents [...]
2021-20 Margaret Elizabeth Canavan & John Dominic Casey (Lynches & Gwinns)
Margaret Elizabeth Canavan & John Dominic Casey (Lynches & Gwinns) If you follow these light green tags, you can see that the last of the 13 children of Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes is Margret Elizabeth Canavan. [...]