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Mary Gwinn Bowe Materials

1970 The Families, by Mary Gwinn Bowe 1970 Mary Gwinn Bowe Before & After Chicago, from The Families 1960-09-16  Mary Bowe Hosts Kennedy Kin in 1960 Presidential Election (Chicago Triboune

William John Bowe, Sr. Materials

William John (Patrick) Bowe was born in Chicago at 1024 West Superior Street on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1893. He died December 30, 1965, at the age of seventy-two. I never heard him use or be called by his extra middle name Patrick. His mother was Ellen Frances Canavan. His father was John Joseph Bowe. He was a bright child, rather destructive, had all the infant diseases, loved animals and sports, and was well-liked and very sociable.

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