Jean Paul de la Chapelle on the de la Chapelle Family
Jean Paul de la Chapelle In June 2023, I had a chance to talk with Jean Paul de la Chapelle (JPD) who was at his home in Neuville sur Saône, a suburb just outside Lyon, France. Our goal [...]
1991 Timothy and Jean Paul de la Chapelle Show Bill Bowe Their Home, Chindrieux, France
1991 Timothy and Jean Paul de la Chapelle Show Bill Bowe Their Home, Chindrieux, France Editor's Note: In November, 1991, I had a chance to drop by Peter and Chesley Riboud de la Chapelles home in Chindrieux. Their [...]
2009 Thriller Opening Night
October 24, 2009 Laetitia de la Chapelle email: Attention! voici la version officielle!!!! les enfants ont beaucoup répété pour ce spectacle...soyez indulgent... (merci Guillaume) Attention! Here is the official version!!! The children rehearsed a lot for this show ... be indulgent ... (thank you William).