The Casey and the Gwinn Families
The Casey and Gwinn Families Editor's Note: After Tony Bowe's interview with Bill Bowe about his immediate family, they then turn to the Casey and Gwinn families. Topics include how John and Martha met, their early lives, [...]
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Botanic Garden Editor's Note: Sunday brought the Reunion crowd another gorgeous, sunny day. The Buehler Enabling Garden was exclusively set aside for the Canavan Reunion group, as was our exclusive tram tour of the Garden's 385 acres. [...]
25 The Gwinn Sisters (Bowe, Casey, Danielak & Riboud)
25 The Gwinn Sisters (Bowe, Casey, Danielak & Riboud) We’re in the home stretch now folks, as we follow the Gwinn sisters into the Casey, Bowe and Riboud families. You see my mother Mary and the four Gwinn [...]
2021-20 Margaret Elizabeth Canavan & John Dominic Casey (Lynches & Gwinns)
Margaret Elizabeth Canavan & John Dominic Casey (Lynches & Gwinns) If you follow these light green tags, you can see that the last of the 13 children of Anthony Canavan, Sr. and Ann Hughes is Margret Elizabeth Canavan. [...]
1991 Nancy Gwinn Riboud (1911-1991)
1991 Nancy Gwinn Riboud (1911-1991) Editor's Note: Nancy Gwinn, my mother's sister, married Jacques Riboud in 1933, nine years before I was born. Though she and Jacques raised their five children in France, I remember meeting the Riboud family [...]
1991 Margaret and Ted Casey Take the TGV from Paris to Nancy Riboud’s Funeral in Chindrieux, France
1991 Margaret and Ted Casey Take the TGV from Paris to Nancy Riboud's Funeral in Chindrieux, France Editor's Note: In November, 1991, I joined Margaret and Ted Casey at the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris where [...]
1986 The Bowes Visit the Caseys for Super Bowl XX, 2230 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, Illinois
1986 The Bowes Visit the Caseys for Super Bowl XX, 2230 Lincoln Park West, Chicago, Illinois Editor's Note: In January, 1986 the Chicago Bears played the New England Patriots in New Orleans in Super Bowl XX. Cathy and I [...]