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2004 Bali, Indonesia

For their final stop in Southeast Asia in 2004, Andy and Bill Bowe flew from Bangkok to Bali, a tropical island in eastern Indonesia.

2004 Bangkok, Thailand

In 2004, after their stop in Cambodia, Andy and Bill Bowe took the short flight south to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

2004 Angkor Wat, Cambodia

After our stop in Ho Chi Minh City, Andy Bowe and I took a short flight to Siem Reap, Cambodia to see the Khmer temple ruins at Angkor Wat.

2014 New Orleans to Memphis

Editor’s Note: In September 2014 my son Andy Bowe and I flew from Chicago to New Orleans. After a day in the French Quarter and a night at the Hilton on the Mississippi, we boarded the newly built Queen of the Mississippi.

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