Judi Cogan Heikes and Jamie O’Reilly
Above Millennium Park At The Cliff Dwellers
Jamie O’Reilly At The Cliff Dwellers
Editor’s Note: In celebration of Women’s History Month, Jamie O’Reilly brought her exceptional voice to The Cliff Dwellers to celebrate in song 20th Century artists known for classic songs and rich stories. In a long set before an appreciative audience, and accompanied by jazz pianist John Erickson, and narration by Judi Cogan Heikes, Jamie explored standards previously associated with Judy Garland, Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, and Edith Piaf. The evening was introduced by former Cliff Dweller President, Eve Moran.
Eve Moran on Jamie O’Reilly
Today, dear audience, we’re celebrating Women’s History Month in a most splendid way. I’m delighted to introduce Jamie O’Reilly, a voice for the soul of the city.
A childhood inspired by by theatrical, musical and activist family traditions brought Jamie O’Reilly to study voice at DePaul University. Initially, folk music captured her interest. After some time, however, Jamie grew restless. Her wildly creative spirit drove the writing of new material, the embracing of other arts cultures and collaborations, and a breaking-out in multiple new directions. The years would find Jamie evolving into a spirited writer, producer, teacher, consultant and social justice activist.
But for 30+ years, and thankfully so, Jamie centers her life with music performance. She has charmed audiences in many arts venues with her love of singing and her intimate interpretations wrapped in the passion of a theater artist. Her programs are both accomplished and beloved. And, Jamie’s voice has been applauded by both Studs Terkel and Rick Kogan. Another interesting note is that Jamie made her vocal debut in 1984, just steps away from the Club at Orchestra Hall, performing in the John McCormick Centenary Concert.
In tonight’s performance, Jamie will pay honor to the 20th century chanteuse — women who met adversity and struggle with tenacity and vigor — leaving behind classic songs and rich stories. And, it gets better. Lyrical jazz pianist John Erickson is here to accompany Jamie on this captivating musical journey. Further, Judi Cogan Heikes will read poetry and provide narration. It’s all happening in a minute.
So, please help me warmly welcome Jamie O’Reilly & John Erickson & Judi Cogan Heikes!