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La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)

La vie de Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932) Note de l'éditeur : Ce clip vidéo commence par des informations sur les ancêtres de Richard Gwinn, en particulier son père Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) et sa mère, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). [...]

The Life of Richard Gwinn, Jr. (1867-1932)

Editor's Note:This video clip begins with information about Richard Gwinn's ancestors, particularly his father Richard Gwinn, Sr. (1833-1898) and mother, Elizabeth Burns Gwinn (1836-1922). It also touches on his siblings Mary Cornelia Gwinn (1865-1925), Elizabeth Rose ("Bessie") Gwinn (1871-1939), [...]

Chicago Botanic Garden

Chicago Botanic Garden Editor's Note: Sunday brought the Reunion crowd another gorgeous, sunny day. The Buehler Enabling Garden was exclusively set aside for the Canavan Reunion group, as was our exclusive tram tour of the Garden's 385 acres. [...]

Augustine J. Bowe Obituary

Augustine J. Bowe Obituary ( Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry Augustine Joseph Bowe (1892-1966) Chicago Lawyers and Literature James R. Elkins College of Law || West Virginia University I began law teaching at DePaul [...]

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