Law School to Army Intelligence Training (1967-1968)
Law School to Army Intelligence Training (1967-1968) In talking about his post college years with Tony Bowe, Bill Bowe recalls how the Vietnam War and the draft began to change the student environment in both colleges and law schools. [...]
Settling Down after the Army
Tony Bowe Asks Bill Bowe about Settling Down after the Army Editor's Note: In this series of interviews by my cousin Tony Bowe, Tony asked me about what I was up to after my three-year Army Intelligence Branch enlistment [...]
Tony Bowe Asks Bill Bowe about His Career as a General Counsel
Becoming a General Counsel Editor's Note: In this last of the series of interviews by my cousin Tony Bowe, he asked me how and when I shifted my career as a lawyer from private practice to serving in successive [...]
Tony Bowe Asks about Bill Bowe’s Time with United Press International
Tony Bowe Asks about Bill Bowe's Time with United Press International In this segment of his conversation with his cousin, Tony Bowe asks Bill about his rollercoaster ride after organizing the first internal law department of the newswire service [...]
The Casey and the Gwinn Families
The Casey and Gwinn Families Editor's Note: After Tony Bowe's interview with Bill Bowe about his immediate family, they then turn to the Casey and Gwinn families. Topics include how John and Martha met, their early lives, [...]
Bill Bowe on His Brother Richard Gwinn Bowe
[French and English subtitles are available at the CC (Closed Captions) button on the video’s lower right corner.] Bill Bowe on His Brother Richard Gwinn Bowe Editor's Note: In this part of Tony Bowe's interview of [...]
Bill Bowe, Sr. Is Injured in France in World War II
Bill Bowe, Sr. Is Injured in France in World War I Editor's Note: Bill Bowe's father had joined the Illinois National Guard when he graduated in 1915 from Loyola University Law School in Chicago. When President Woodrow Wilson [...]
Bill Bowe, Jr. Talks about His Father, William John Bowe, Sr.
Bill Bowe, Jr. Talks about His Father, William John Bowe, Sr. Editor's Note: In this conversation, Bill Bowe, Jr. discusses his father's career, together with aspects of his early and later life.
The Cliff Dwellers 116th Annual Meeting
The Cliff Dwellers 116th Annual Members Meeting Editor's Note: Another January after 1907 rolled around and after 116 First Mondays after the Twelfth Night, the Annual Meeting of Members of The Cliff Dwellers took place in 2023 for [...]