At The Cliff Dwellers: Rana Segal – My Life Making Documentary Films
At The Cliff Dwellers: Rana Segal My Life Making Documentary Films Rana Segal on Her Education and Work My Life Making Documentary Films The Cliff Dwellers International Women's Day March 8 2022 Hi [...]
Jack Zimmerman and The Chad National Anthem
5 The Chad National Anthem Editor's Note: Jack doesn't leave the Navy on a sour note thanks to a lifer chief who knew plenty about life.
The Dumbest Man in Iowa
Editor's Note: Riding his bicycle by himself from Chicago to Lincoln, Nebraska, Jack is gets religion after being terrorized in Iowa.
My Life in Jazz
Editor's Note: Jack Zimmerman didn't win the audition in New York, but he learned something else important in life.
Otto Was a Union Man
Editor’s Note: No doubt about it, Jack’s Uncle Otto was a union man through and through.
The Night Watchman
Fresh out of the Navy at 26, Jack takes a stab at being a night watchman.
Africa International House Lunch
Africa International House Lunch in Support of the 2023 African Festival of Arts in Washington Park Editor's Note: Chicago Mayoral Candidate Paul Vallas stopped in At The Cliff Dwellers on March 3, 2023 to help Africa International House [...]
Class of 1967 – Memories from Law School to Our 55th Reunion in 2022
Class of 1967 - Memories from Law School to Our 55th Reunion in 2022 Editor's Note: In this seven-minute video we see members of the University of Chicago's Class of 1967. As usual, they're enjoying each other's company [...]
Fake News at the 115th Annual Meeting
Fake News at the 115th Annual Members' Meeting Editor's Note: On January 10, 2022, during the Omicron stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Cliff Dwellers held its first ever "hybrid" Annual Members' Meeting. For the first time in a [...]